Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Personality test result

Your Type is
Strength of the preferences %

As an extravert, my ideal classroom environment would involve lots of interaction through class discussions and other activities. I learn the best working things out because I am action oriented. Through experiential learning, Bump has capitalized on my best learning environment. 
As an intuitive person, I thrive in environments that allow me the freedom to figure out original ways to solve problems. I do well with self-instruction paired with the opportunity to make my own choices in the classroom. Through leadership opportunities in the classroom, as well as creative based projects and blog freedom, Bump has sufficed these needs too! This class is ideal for my feeling side because it requires making a personal connection with classroom material and classmates (and Bump) alike. It is easy to see the relationship between the material and real life as they are one in the same. Lastly, for my judging side, I strive off of order and consistency. I love schedules and knowing deadlines in advance. Bump is true to his word, returning assignments when he promises, and keeping to the daily schedule. In retrospect, the classroom environment is clearly suitable to my ENFJ personality.

Other famous ENFJs

Bump, being an ISFJ, has a different ideal learning environment. As a teacher, he takes into account all the different types of personalities in the class and caters to them as much as possible. He allows time for reflection and independent thinking for the introverts in the class, as well as discussion for the extraverts. Extra credit opportunities allow for introverts to work independently to earn points. Bump, as a sensing type, caters to the five senses type of learning. Also incorporated in his experiential approach.

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